WHO SHOULD APPLY? Any high school student with a disability should learn about these services as early as possible
WHO IS ELIGIBLE? You're eligible if you have a physical or mental condition that makes it hard for you to work, and if you demonstrate that you could benefit from VR services to help you prepare for a job.
HOW DO I PROVE THAT I HAVE A DISABILITY? It's usually possible to document a disability from your school assessment, a psychological report or a medical provider's records. If you are not able to provide this documentation, you may give your permission for a BYAFS staff or VR counselor to obtain it for you.
WHAT CAN BYAFS & VR DO FOR ME WHILE I AM IN HIGH SCHOOL? We can help you understand your interests and talents, explore career and education options, gain work experiences, learn new skills, and be ready for what comes after you graduate from high school.
WHAT SERVICES IS BYAFS CONTRACTED TO PROVIDE IN PARTNERSHIP WITH VR? BYAFS currently offers: Employee Development Services (Community Based): Employment Supports/Job Coaching for Short Term Job Supports: Job Seeking Skills Training: Job Shadowing: Job Tryout: Transportation Training (Public Transportation Training): Driver’s Training: Post-Secondary Supports:
AFTER HIGH SCHOOL? Once you know your job goal, your BYAFS counselor can help you achieve that goal. Whether it's training on the job, an apprenticeship, a degree program at a two-year or four-year college, help finding work, or assistance on the job, our goal is to help you get and keep a satisfying community job.
WHAT IF I GET SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME (SSI) OR MEDICAL ASSISTANCE (MA)? Young people on disability benefits are usually better off when they work. Your VR counselor will help you explore how benefits and a job can work together. You can also begin this exploration on your own by going to http://workbenefitsyouth.orgi.
HOW MUCH DOES VR COST? There is no charge for most VR services. For some things (such as tuition for college or technical school, or fees for certain specialized services) you could be responsible for part of the cost, depending on your family's income.
DO I HAVE CHOICES? We'll provide assistance, but the whole idea is for you to choose your own job goals and decide how to achieve them. You can decide to develop plans on your own or with someone else's assistance. But if you wish to receive services from Vocational Rehabilitation Services we'll need to approve your plan.